A to Z Index

SUBOG is currently working on planning events for the fall semester. Stay tuned for more info!


  1. This calendar has no events scheduled at this time.




Fall 2020 Events/ Artist Interest Survey out now. Fall 2020 Events/ Artist Interest Survey out now. Link in bio.

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Subog is celebrating #pride this month and the 51s Subog is celebrating #pride this month and the 51st anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots. You can help support the LGBTQ+ community by donating to some of these organizations. @trevorproject @translawcenter @snap4freedom @theokraproject


Subog is celebrating #pride this month and the 51st anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall riots. You can help support the LGBTQ+ community by donating to some of these organizations. @trevorproject @translawcenter @snap4freedom @theokraproject


Good luck this week UConn! 📚 Good luck this week UConn! 📚

Good luck this week UConn! 📚 ...

‎App Store 上的“奇游手游加速器-畅玩英雄联盟lol”:2021-12-23 · ‎阅读评论、比较用户评分、查看截屏并进一步了解“奇游手游加速器-畅玩英雄联盟lol”。在 iPhone、iPad 和 iPod touch 上下载“奇游手游加速器-畅玩英雄联盟lol”,尽享 App 丰富功能。 SUBOG is grateful for all of your hard work and dedication to our organization this year! We are looking forward to seeing all of you back on campus soon!

SUBOG is grateful for all of your hard work and dedication to our organization this year! We are looking forward to seeing all of you back on campus soon! ...

Say hello to the 2020-2021 SUBOG Board! We are alr 手机外网免费加速器

Say hello to the 2020-2021 SUBOG Board! We are already hard at work preparing for next year’s events, but we haven’t given up on this year yet! Stay tuned 😊 ...

加速器上国外网站_什么加速器上国外网站好用_加速器能上国外网站 ...:走腾讯云的内网专线到达游戏服务器极大缩短经过的公网路径 减少了延时 抖动 丢包 此外跟传统加速比入口无需额外部署流量接收设备 且 无需区分地域 简化了 部署 ... An update on the COVID-19 situation, with regard to SUBOG events.

小语加速器官方版下载_小语游戏加速器官方版下载_3DM单机:2021-7-23 · 《小语加速器》是一款专门为游戏玩家打造的游戏加速器,加速器所覆盖的游戏非常多,国内外的线路都很稳定,让玩家减少掉线丢包的情况,有需要加速器的玩家可以试一下小语加速器(其实是破 … ...

UCONNIC 4.17.2020. Artist Release Party informatio UCONNIC 4.17.2020. Artist Release Party information coming soon!
📸 Jakub Pirog and Jhon Perez

UCONNIC 4.17.2020. Artist Release Party information coming soon!
📸 Jakub Pirog and Jhon Perez

We’re partnering with the Women’s Center to ce We’re partnering with the Women’s Center to celebrate Women’s History Month! Stop by the Student Union Theatre this weekend to watch one of America’s most famous women!

We’re partnering with the Women’s Center to celebrate Women’s History Month! Stop by the Student Union Theatre this weekend to watch one of America’s most famous women! ...

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All of the SUBOG Committees meet weekly to discuss upcoming events and to create new events for the future. Each committee meets on a different day, different time, different place, so click a committee below for more information.


Concert Committee

在手机上玩外服游戏有没有什么好用的加速器推荐?_百度知道:2021-7-12 · 在手机上使用外网的话比较推荐剑鱼加速器,安卓、ios双平台版本可供选择,加速效果显著。告别卡顿,拒绝延迟。

Major Weekends Committee



Sports Committee



  • A Letter From President Katsouleas
  • UConn Researcher to Lead New Sustainable Poultry Production Project
  • UConn Magazine: Light Years Away
  • ‘Like a Rolling Stone,’ Spirit Rock on the Move



SUBOG stands for ‘Student Union Board of Governors’ and is the largest student-run programming board at UConn.

We are most known for bringing in major performers, comedians, and speakers including Khalid, Michael Che, and Stephen A. Smith as well as hosting traditional events like Homecoming, weekly movies, the Food Truck Festival, and One Ton Sundae.

As a whole, SUBOG holds 13 board members, 7 committees, 31 Vice Chairs, 5 advisors, and roughly 200 members that plan over 100 events, annually.

The SUBOG Office is located in the Student Union Room 307 and can be reached at (860) – 486 – 3904.





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